Monday, March 27, 2006

L.A.moment - Civic Center

03/27/06 Once again the Los Angeles Police Department was using my place of work, the Los Angeles Times, as a temporary staging area for their monitoring of the City Hall protests . I had to show my work I.D. to officers on the corner of 1st and Broadway just to be allowed to continue down 1st street. The L.A. Times cafeteria was filled with about 30 officers relaxing and shooting the excretement. All this was because of the student protests taking place at City Hal against the anti-illegal immigrant bills before Congress. All the while the Eddie Murphy film production of Dreamgirls (starring Beyonce) was upstairs on the 6th floor (No photos of the cops--or Beyonce--for that matter, I was too chicken to ask or to snap clandestinely)...

L.A.moment - Silver Lake adjacent

03/27/06 Outside the studio, pro-immigration rights student walkout...