Opening, Kristeen Young could belt it out long and hard and I wish I could sing like her...

After Kristeen Young, there was a great collection of vintage films shown between sets. All were in the vintage mid-century international vein that the Smiths and Morrissey have played with graphically over the years. The true Morrissey believers, our friends from the Latino suburbs of L.A., even in all these films' air of cheekiness, were more mesmerized by the emotion of anticipation...

You can barely see Morrissey, in fact, you can't make him out at all, but can you see the child in front of me? She's sleeping on the shoulder of an audience member (and assumedly her Father)?!!! O.k., I have training in the care and feeding of cats, but doesn't it seem remotely cruel to bring a child to a concert?!!
(All photos taken via mobile phone)...