Tuesday, July 10, 2007

L.A.moment: Downtown

I need to go more places in L.A...(taken and sent via mobile phone).

L.A.resource: USGS/Cal-Tech earthquake meter

Non-SoCal natives don't believe me when I say that we pretty much have an earthquake everyday here in Southern California. So here's a site that can let us better understand this bit of trivia: Cal Tech has a seismic graph that shows the past earthquakes that happened during the past hour, the day before and the previous week. Go there to see if any happened in your neck of the woods. Don't go there if you'd rather not know...

L.A.event: Sunday, July 15th @ Lost Souls Cafe

O.k., shameful plug for the "Hear, Here" fund raiser for the non-profit and non-commercial L.A.-based internet radio station, killradio.org. Come for the bands and stay for the after party at Bar 107...remember, for some, it's all about the after party...

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I co-DJ "Hear, Here" with DJ Jon Hershfield and we webcast on Mondays from 2pm - 4pm Pacific Time @ killradio.org...it's an all submissions show where bands from all over the country and the world send us their CDs and mp3s and we play it with no hesitation...

L.A.resource: UCLA digital photo archive

UCLA's digital photo library is addictive...visit at your own risk...